
31 August 2008

ASK THE PLANNER SUNDAY- Why should I pick a theme?

Theme weddings are all the rage now. Not only because they are fun to plan, but because they make so much sense. Once you select a theme, it makes it that much easier to select flowers,decorations and everything else. There are so many themes to choose from. Although, I always tell my brides and grooms they should select based on their personalities.

Some themes are :

Christmas - this is a GREAT choice because you can save on church decor because most churches decorate for the Christmas season and you won't have to purchase as many flowers - if any at all.

College or Sports team theme - This will really get the groom involved!

Asian Theme - One of my favorites.

Bling! Theme- Lots of crystals are crucial for this theme!

The sky is the limit on themed weddings - just look around.

What will your theme be? I'd love to hear it-just leave a comment here!

30 August 2008

e-vents Newsletter

I am pleased to announce the first edition of events: a wedding and event planning company .

The newsletter will be updated every two months and contain valuable wedding and event The Art of the Table event in March AND.............. THE Indy Area Vendor Showcase in March (our own event). Look for more info on this blog and in the newsletter!To subscribe to the newsletter, please e-mail me at
and I'll send you one right away.
Have a Love-ly Day!

29 August 2008

Wedding sayings....

Ever wonder what all of the old bridal sayings mean ? I am sure each of you have recited the "Something old,something new......." spiel when getting ready for your wedding or when helping a friend or relative get ready for her wedding. Do you know what each of the mean? Well, if not- here goes:

Something Old: Continuity

Something New: Optimism and Hope

Something Borrowed: Happiness shared from a happily married couple

Something Blue: Fidelity, Love, Purity, Fertility

and a bonus-

Lucky sixpence in her shoe: Ensures a life of fortune

28 August 2008

Upcoming wedding events in Indy and the surrounding area

Sun Oct 12, 2008

The Complete Wedding Expo
Sheraton Hotel
8787 Keystone Crossing
Indianapolis, IN
12 pm - 3:30 pm
If you're going to attend a bridal show or expo, this is the one to attend. Designed to save you time and money, we not only feature the basics, but so much more!

Sun Oct 26, 2008
Indy's Best Bridal Show 2008
Indianapolis Hilton North, The Crown Room
8181 North Shadeland Avenue
Indianapolis, IN
12 pm - 4 pm
Bring your event date, ideas and questions and talk to some of Indy's best special event vendors! We'll give you the personal service you deserve and desire in planning your upcoming nuptials.

Sun Feb 08, 2009
Bloomington Bridal Show
Bloomington Convention Center
301 South College Avenue
Bloomington, IN
12 pm - 5 pm
Meet with some of the area's top wedding professionals to plan the wedding of your dreams!
Tue Mar 03, 2009
The Complete Wedding Expo
Sheraton Hotel
8787 Keystone Crossing
Indianapolis, IN

If you're going to attend a bridal show or expo, this is the one to attend. Designed to save you time and money, we not only feature the basics, but so much more!

26 August 2008

Inspiration Tuesday

For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.
Ephesians 5:31

25 August 2008

Coffee bar

Seems that just about everyone is doing a candy bar these days. Don't get me wrong - I LOVVVVEEE the candy bar idea. However, coffee lovers will adore the coffee bar. You can hire them just as you would hire any other wedding vendor. The Batista's will serve all sorts of coffee beverages and even create a speciality one for you and your beloved on your special day.

The picture above is an idea from Martha Stewart weddings - the cute little donuts are such a great idea! You could even send each guest home with a small bag of donuts and a cup of joe!

24 August 2008


Question: Where do I find inspiration for my wedding? I have several favorite colors and style. I am getting very confused.

Answer: You can find inspiration anywhere you are. Look around you - flowers,shoes,childhood games/memories, favorite traveling spots. My suggestion to you would be to grab some poster boards and magazine pictures, photos and start pasting away. Don't just look at bridal magazines either. In Style, Vogue, People, etc. have great pictures for inspiration. Think of your favorite songs - perhaps there is something in the lyrics that inspires you. Also, don't forget your grooms favorite things. Remember, it's his wedding, too!

22 August 2008

For the Guest ...............

I found these awesome tips on Most are obvious, but bear repeating.

The day two people exchange vows may not be your special day, but it's someone's special day, so be on your best behavior -- all the way from the I -do's to the obligatory Gloria Gaynor dance marathon...
Don't Be Fashionably Late As the song says, get to the church on time! Allow enough time to get to there 15 minutes early or more no matter what weather, traffic, or other acts of divine intervention pop up. Print out directions to both the ceremony and the reception (if it's at a different location). Many a wedding has been hampered by guests who got lost and showed up an hour late.
Don't Produce Sound Effects While at a wedding and reception, turn off your Blackberries and cell phones, put them on vibrate, or better yet, don't even take them!
Don't Talk Trash It may sound obvious, but it happens all the time. No matter how big or how loud a wedding is, things get overheard. So, be on your best and most polite behavior. No gossip about any of the other guests. No complaining out loud about anything -- whether it's the food or the long line at the ladies' room. And no comparisons to other weddings! As far as the bride and groom are concerned, this is a perfect day, and so it should be!
Don't Come Bearing Gifts Whether you're planning on gifting the happy couple a Cuisinart or cold hard cash, do them a huge favor and don't bring it on the wedding day. If you do, they have to keep track of it and haul it home at the end of the night. Send the gift ahead of time, or after the actual ceremony -- at a time when they can really relax and enjoy it.
Don't Dress Down Whatever you choose to wear, make the effort to look your best for the bride and groom. They'll appreciate that you got dolled or duded up for the occasion. If the invitation doesn't specify dress code, put in a friendly email or call to the bride, groom, their parents, or attendants to get more info. Black Tie means you've got to dust off that long silk dress or rent a tux. If it's an outdoor affair, there may be more leeway, but get details on the location, so you can come prepared (because it's isn't fun to be traipsing around in the sand in your stilettos!).
Don't Bring Mr. or Ms. Random If you're single, choose your date carefully. If it's someone you've only been out with once, it may not be the best idea (could be awkward for you, your date, and the newlyweds). Same if it's someone you recently "sort of" broke up with. Weddings are intimate affairs and bringing in a stranger should be done with thought. Let the bride or groom know if you decide to come alone so they can seat you with other fun "ones!" And as much as you may love your kiddos, don't take them if children aren't invited.
Don't Steal the Show Wedding ceremonies take all forms -- from religious to poetic, musical, or humorous. Whatever the vibe, let the bride and groom set the tone and follow their lead. If you're normally a loud, life-of-the-party type, bring it down a notch and let the wedding couple stand out. If you're a weeper, bring tissues and sit where you can sob without disturbing the I Do's. If the ceremony includes religious rituals, find out what you should do (or not do) ahead of time.
Don't Pig Out If food is serve-yourself, avoid the buffet line stampede and wait until the crowd dies down. Also, avoid going back for thirds. Take a break and save room for cake! Seconds might be okay, once you've seen that everyone has eaten. If the food is served sit-down, eat what is served without requesting substitutions or omissions, unless you have a food allergy. Otherwise, pick delicately or chow down, but don't gripe that you "don't like fish." Worse comes to worst, you can hit Burger King on the way home!
Don't Drag Out Skeletons If the bride blushes, it should be from pride, joy, or sheer love. Not because someone just stood up and told a humiliating story about the loser she dated in high school! Ingratiate yourself to the lady and her groom by avoiding any potentially embarrassing or juvenile behavior -- no bawdy jokes, no tales about their dating habits or exploits, no overdrinking, and no overly sexy dancing. Have fun, but don't have it at anyone else's expense.
Don't Stockpile Party Favors At the end of the night, as you're saying your thank-yous and farewells, avoid the urge to hog all the super-cool (or yummy) party favors! You don't need to take some for people who weren't able to attend. You don't need extras. Take one for yourself, unless someone in the wedding party urges you to do otherwise.

Check us out.......

e-vents is now listed on
We hope you'll stop by for a visit and tell your friends!
Have a Love-ly day!

21 August 2008

The Brides Cafe

As many of you know, I am a HUGE fan of Janie Medley of The Brides Cafe blog. She always has the best weddings and wedding vendors featured on her blog. She is also a florist and a super sweet lady. I wrote to her a while ago and she responded. She wished me well with my company and I will always remember her kindness. Her blog full of beautiful images is a special treat for me everyday. Grab a cappuccino and an almond croissant and enjoy The Brides Cafe.

Something Blue........part 2

So, when I saw this cute little i-pod, I couldn't help but think how fabulous this would be for a bride's "something blue". Listen to your favorite relaxing or funky music as you get pampered the day of your wedding. The best thing is you can get it engraved with your new name and wedding date on the back. How fun is that?

20 August 2008


I am proud to announce that e-vents will be a participant in ART OF THE TABLE 2009 held at the Indianapolis Museaum of Art (IMA) on March 1st, 2009. I have my idea and can not wait for you all to see what I've come up with. BUT You'll have to wait til March 1st. Tickets are $10 in advance and $12 day of the event. I will have tickets and more information available for ART OF THE TABLE 2009 next year.
The above pictures are just a sample of ART OF THE TABLE 2008.

19 August 2008

Inspiration Tuesday

I LOVE the fact that brides are adding that extra special twist to their weddings. Some incorporate it in the attire. How cute is it to wear your favorite PINK cowboy boots instead of the traditional white shoes?

Others choose to show their personal style in the menu selection or in their cake flavors. A big sushi fan? Why not include that in your reception cocktail hour menu. Just be sure to offer several choices of other items for your guests. The options are based on your favorite things. Jot down what things you love and go from there. You'd be surprised at what you may come up with!

Have a LOVE-ly day!

18 August 2008

Wedding Day makeup........

Every bride wants to look her best on her wedding day and for her pictures. One of the best tips I have for you is to enlist the talents of a makeup artist. Believe me, they are so worth the money you will spend. You will feel like a princess getting prepped and the results will be breathtaking on your pictures. Make sure to interview a few well in advance of your wedding day. You will want someone you "click" with AND who is great at what they do. Be sure to review their portfolio and take your own ideas in as well. Don't forget the other ladies in the wedding party as well. In fact, this would make an awesome gift to them for being in your wedding. Please drop me a line and let me know if you used a makeup artist for your wedding and if so - what were your thoughts?

17 August 2008


Welcome to our new weekly feature - ASK THE PLANNER!

Here you will be able to ask wedding related questions and receive answers.We will feature one question a week.Don't be afraid to ask any question. Chances are if you have a question so do others!Rest assured you will remain anonymous - unless you want your identity revealed.

E-mail your questions to and I will select one each week.
Check back daily for hints,inspiration and much more.
Check back next week for our first question to ASK THE PLANNER.

Have a LOVE-ly day!

16 August 2008


Looking for a way to jazz up your champagne? Tired of the strawberry garnish? I found this lovely idea from Elegant Bride. Simply add a wild hibiscus flower to the glass.

The flower will stay at the bottom of the glass creating a BEAUTIFUL display for all to see. You can also use various other flowers - just make sure they are edible.

15 August 2008

Invitations - mailing tip

Don't send your invitations out on a rainy day. The moisture and dampness may damage the paper and cause the ink to run. This is an especially useful bit of info if you use a public mailbox.

14 August 2008

Sylvia Weinstock cakes

These have to be some of the most beautiful cakes I have ever seen. I won't bore you with alot of words. Just enjoy the beauty of these cakes by famed New Yorker,Sylvia Weinstock.

Welcome Baskets for out-of-town guests

What a wonderful way to welcome your out of town guests to your wedding than to offer them a welcome basket. Welcome baskets can be delivered to the guests room or handed to them as they check-in to the hotel.
Make them extra special by featuring items that are specific to the area. For example - is your area known for it's famous popcorn? Then add a small bag of it in your welcome basket. Other items could include bottle water (much cheaper than buying from the mini-bar),snacks,fruit. You should also include information about the area - restaurants,churches,synagogues,museums,etc.. history buffs will love to know a little bit about the history of the area. Don't forget to include pertinent information (location,time,directions) concerning the wedding. Believe it or not, some people forget to bring along the invitation. You should also include the phone number of your wedding planner.

13 August 2008

Guest bloggers

e-vents wants to make sure each bride is well informed. This blog will feature guest blogs at least once per month from wedding professionals. Be sure to check back often for valueable information from photographers, bakers, florists, venues etc.
First up........Jesse Carruthers of JC Disc Jockey. I can't wait for you to see what Jesse has to offer!
Have a LOVE-ly Day!

12 August 2008

Something Blue...................

As the old saying goes, each bride should have "something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue." Just because this is an old saying doesn't mean that it has to be "old". Why not add a new twist to your something blue? Tradionally, brides have used a blue ribbon on their garter as something blue....BORING!!!! Why not go for the blue on the sole of your shoes?

These shoes are gorgeous and will defintely be worn again. What fashionista wouldn't want these? So, add a little zing to your "something blue".

Inspiration Tuesday.......

"She Walks in Beauty" by Lord Byron

She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes:
Thus mellow'd to that tender light
Which heaven to gaudy day denies.

One shade the more, one ray the less,
Had half impair'd the nameless grace
Which waves in every raven tress,
Or softly lightens o'er her face;
Where thoughts serenely sweet express
How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.

And on that cheek, and o'er that brow,
So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,
The smiles that win, the tints that glow,
But tell of days in goodness spent,
A mind at peace with all below,
A heart whose love is innocent!


I can not believe my little Bran is 16 today. I really hope he doesn't read this because he will be horrified. Brandon is my favorite and only nephew :).
We plan to go broomballing on Saturday for his birthday and eating all of his favorite foods! I'll let you know how many broken bones there are next week.Please say a prayer!

Have a happy birthday, Brandon! I love you!

11 August 2008

Wedding Dresses Spring 2009

I was just doing some research on the new Spring 2009 wedding dresses. They are absolutely fabulous! The new bride will have tons of designs and designers to choose from. There are even several black wedding dresses which are tres chic!
Check out the runway show............which is your favorite?

10 August 2008

Sandals - Honeymoons and Weddingmoons

Let me start of by saying that I am a little bit biased by Sandals resorts. My husband and I spent 7 glorious days at Sandals Negril a year after we were married. The concierge package is THE way to go. They take care of your every need. The beach is glorious!

Anyway,enough about our trip. Why not book your own honeymoon there? It's as easy as visiting the link below to begin your research and book your trip.

Sandals also offers wonderful Weddingmoons featuring work by the always fabulous Preston Bailey! Mr.Bailey's weddings are glorious. Of course, you will still have me to do all of the other items :) .

Sandals is an ALL adult resort. However, most have a Beaches resort right next door. Beaches is the Sandals sister family resort. You can still include the kiddies in your wedding!

Click here and start your journey!

09 August 2008

Please don't forget the Groom

Remember,this is his wedding,too. You should both enjoy the time planning. Make sure you include him in on several meetings. Believe me, he'll LOVE going to the food tastings!
Here are more ways to show your guy show much he means to you during this time....

Golf outing with his buddies.
Tickets to his favorite sports team.
Prepare his favorite foods or take him to HIS favorite restaurant.
TELL him how much he means to you.
Leave little love notes around for him to find.
Send him a special note right before the ceremony - spray with your perfume and leave a "lipstick" kiss.

Most of these are quite obvious, but still bear repeating.