
19 September 2008

Friday Favorites

My Friday Favorite today is actually something I have whenever I meet a bride or client (heck, anyone) for a meeting at Starbuck's. The Vivanno Nourishing Drink is the best The drink comes in two flavors: Banana Chocolate and Banana Mango. My fav is the Banana-Mango. Such a nourishing and refreshing drink. You can add a shot of espresso to the Banana Chocolate and matcha to the Banana Mango. We are having an especially wonderful string of days featuring beautiful weather. Why not grab a Vivanno and enjoy the wonderful weather?

More info:
Orange Mango Banana Blend
Made with a whole banana blended with all natural Naked® Juice made exclusively for Starbucks, our proprietary whey protein & fiber powder, 2% milk and ice.
Have a LOVE-ly day!

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