This holiday season will see many a newly engaged woman with a sparkling ring on her finger. I love seeing engagement rings! The beauty and promise of the future they hold continue to thrill me. I still love looking at my ring and remembering what it means. I always keep my ring cleaned. I was thrilled to find a blog post on From I will to I do on how to keep your ring clean. I tried it and it works. Shinier than EVER! Head on over to see the post, but make sure you grab a cuppa something - believe me you'll be there reading for awhile. She has some GREAT things on her blog.
No matter how old your ring is, make sure to go to your jeweler regularly to have the prongs and diamonds inspected. all reputable jewelers will clean and inspect your ring for free if you purchased from the. It is so worth the time to do this. As your ring ages, you will no doubt bang it on something. Getting it inspected will insure that all stays put. also- be careful in pools and hot tubs. The chemicals can loosen your stones.
What hints- tips do you have for keeping your ring cleaned? Please share and.....
Have a LOVE-ly day!
What hints- tips do you have for keeping your ring cleaned? Please share and.....
Have a LOVE-ly day!
Photo credit: Jonathon Thrasher Photography
Thanks for the info! I have to take better care of cleaning my ring!!