This is a completely personal post, but I have to share. I am going to be in the Oprah Winfrey audience in October! I am beyond thrilled. Some of you may remember that I was also in the audience many, many years ago. It was an awesome experience and I have always wanted to go back. This time I am along with three of my friends. I absolutely LOVE the new way they allow guests to register. Instead of the old way of phoning in and getting a busy signal or worst yet the dreaded " All circuits are busy" message, audience hopefuls have a much better way to get tickets. it is actually rather easy. Go to the website - register - go to the audience reservation section. You will then see a message telling you the status of audience reservations ( we are taking reservations or check back later). If they are indeed taking reservations, you will have a limited period in which to sign up. You are able to sign up for any show during that month which is on the list. 24 hours after the registration period closes, you will receive notification of your status. You will either receive a "Sorry, next time." email or a "You have been accepted" email. I have had both. Thankfully, this time I received the latter. You can get more detailed information here.
My three girlfriends and I will be attending the later taping of the day. We don't know what the show will be about. We did receive a detailed list of instructions.
Oprah's studio audiences are known to be THE best dressed studio audiences. Now, we need to decide what to wear!
Girl!!! You are gonna love it!! I was fortunate enough to go to a tapping a few years ago. It's really cool to see the whole production and how things are done behind what you see on tv. I can't wait to hear about it!!! Soooo excited for you!