We are a little less than a week away from one of my favorite holidays, Thanksgiving. Sure, most people may think it's because of the wonderful food. That is partially true. I love the holiday because it brindgs family and friends together in the most wonderful way. My husband and I host the Thanksgiving Day dinner every year at our home. That doesn't mean that
we I cook everything. Far from it...... I roast the turkey and turkey breast and usually make stuffing and additional side (enough to feed at least 20 including leftovers) and a dessert. Family and a few friends round out the meal with wonderful dishes: ham, mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, tossed salad, yams, cranberry sauce, greens, green beans, sweet potato pies, cakes, apple pies and dirty rice. Yes, I said dirty rice. My sister and her family (mainly her family) LOVE dirty rice. Heck, they love ANY kind of rice. So, for the last 17 years, we've had dirty rice and it has become a wonderful tradition. I LOVE having people over for Thanksgiving - must be the planner in me. It's wonderful to catch up with everyone. It's especially fun now that we have a tone of kids in the family. We always invite guests who may not be able to go out of town to be with their own family and adopt them as our own. After we have stuffed ourselves and play a few games, the BLACK FRIDAY crew attends to the planning our stragety for the next day. I know, I know - most of you HATE the BLACK FRIDAY shopping thing. Trust me, I don't get caught up in the madness of the crowd trying to get one of six must have items in the store. I ususally go in the other direction - to the cleaning supplies and other household items. It's become a wonderful family tradition were I get to spend another day with the ladies in teh family! My nephew also comes - I love hanging with him. I think he comes more because I want him to than he really wants to (did that make sense?). Once we hit the major stores, it's off to breakfast were we try to recharge and then off to Keystone at the Crossing for more shopping. I love going to the Crossing because of the classy Christmas decorations.
What traditions do you and your family have? I'd love to hear about it.
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I love you will be shopping on black Friday!! maybe we will run into each other! Ha!! My mom and I have planned our attack on thanksgiving evening for 20 years....we have only missed 2 years ever! SO much fun! We now have others that join the madness. I look forward to it every year!!! happy thanksgiving and happy shopping!!